Javascript – Suraj | Coding Passion Tue, 09 Oct 2018 07:03:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tools which will make developers life easier /tools-which-will-make-developers-life-easier/ /tools-which-will-make-developers-life-easier/#respond Tue, 26 Apr 2016 18:19:22 +0000 /?p=623 Introduction

Today, the world has grown so much and has been so friendly for the developers, thousands of tools floating in the market for free, but we need to realize and have them in our bucket whenever required.
I will be discussing few important tools, which are handy and work out for every developer.



The best tool for the developer which can be installed on FireFox (add-on). This helps monitor the structure of you HTML, CSS and also javascript. To add the Firebug and get it going add now!
Add FireBug
A web development tool which will help any developer track the issue with the client side and also track the response time for the requests in the network tab.

The tool tab looks like below:



This is a very important tool, which is a restful api client, which helps developer not waste time debugging and every time running Visual Studio to check the result set and how the api behaves. We now just need to call the url of the API from Postman and it gives us the result, even the status code as well.
Get POSTMAN for Chrome
This will allow developers to request any API, may it be GET, PUT, POST or DELETE.


I made a get request to a exposed github API to show how the POSTMAN reacts and shows us the Json result also the response time and the Status(200 Ok, 404 Not found, 403 Forbidden).

Yslow 8

This is such a powerful tool for any developer developing any web application, which without any fondness to anyone, ruthlessly shows how good your web app is and how good it will behave? The below image says it all:


The above web site has been given a Grade ‘D’ by Yslow.  This also gives a description of why the grade is low, what can be modified or  implemented to improve your grade. Here, it also lets developers know for bundling and minification for the javascript and the style sheets. So use it and improve the performance of your web app.

Install the Yslow now:
Add Yslow

Css Sprite Generator

Sprites is a collection of images put together into a single image. So instead of adding multiple images and heavy-ing the web page, we can prefer sprites with images and using css to generate and display on web page.
Css sprite generator add on tool helps you create Sprites. Sprite Cow also helps you generate sprites and also the css to use on your web page.

Web developer

This is a very interesting add on for every developer. This has a lot of features added to it and each of them is useful while developing.
Web Developer Add on
Add the web developer add on and play around there are a lot of features out there for you.
There are features for Css, forms, javascript, images, cookies, etc.

Window Resizer

Another helpful tool for every developer, as now a days every web app is being designed to be responsive. Developers add css and html to make it responsive, but it is not possible for developers to test on every possible devices which end users would be using. This helps you resize your web app window and test if the pages are responsive as expected.
Add and play with it.
Window Resizer Add on

CSS Viewer

An interesting tool to be used, as it lets you view the css being used on the web page. This helps check the css hovering over the web page area.
CSS Viewer Add on
The add after added on web page looks like below:

Cache Clear 17

How many times we developer face the wrath from the testing team, that this is not working this is breaking and what not! And we ask them to do just one thing, “Please clear your cache”! and then everything works! Here is an add on which helps you clear cache for the application on click of a tool tip only.

Add and recommend testing to add as well. 😛
Clear Cache Add on

Angular Batrang 21

Angular being the king now, every developers starting to learn and use Angular. This is a very nice tool to be used on Angular application, if they wish to track the scopes and angular objects and how they behave!
After adding the extension, in the developer tool, it comes as an add on and you can navigate and play with it on your angular web app.
Angular Batrang Add on


These were few important developer tools, which I use in my day to day development and I hope this will help few developers as well as they are very useful once you start using and exploring them. Play around and you will be addicted to them. I hope readers will share their views and share which other important developer tools they recommend.
Come on! Recommend and share your views!

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Unobstrusive ajax and handle unauthorized request in MVC /unobstrusive-ajax-and-handle-unauthorized-request-in-mvc/ /unobstrusive-ajax-and-handle-unauthorized-request-in-mvc/#respond Tue, 05 Apr 2016 10:18:26 +0000 /?p=580 Introduction

In this article I will be sharing a basic stuff which comes handy in MVC applications. The HTML helpers provided by the Razor are smart enough to understand and process the work as required.
We will be discussing in brief about the Ajax.BeginForm, which has few concepts hidden within. When we face the difficulty or the issue, we explore and resolve. Same has happened recently with me. So lets start exploring what the hidden secrets are, which actually are very few.

Adding Unobstrusive- Ajax JS

This can be added from the Nuget package manager directly. I find adding from the Package Manager console easy. The script goes like below:

Install-Package jQuery.Ajax.Unobtrusive

Snippet & Learning

AjaxExtensions.BeginForm is a part of System.Web.Mvc.Ajax namespace under the System.Web.MVC assembly. When used in the response it writes the HTML

tag. Ajax, as we know is Asynchronous Javascript and XML, the word asynchronous plays the trick actually. That means the call will be done asynchronously in some other thread, without hampering or halting the current executing thread for better user experience and performance. Thus, the ajax call we used to write through jQuery, can be done by the MVC HTML helpers now.
One important point to remember here is we need to have the unobstrusive-ajax.js file in order for the Ajax.BeginForm to work in the actual manner.
The Ajax.BeginForm has three options attached to it.
@using (Ajax.BeginForm("ACTION", "CONTROLLER", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "TARGETID" ,OnSuccess="PostSuccess"}))
   <div id="TARGETID"></div>
   // Do anything you would like to.

Lets understand the properties it possesses.
The first param to the Ajax.BeginForm is Action Method, the action to which we will be posting or getting the results.
The second param is Controller, the route controller in which the Action Method is specified. The route table in turn configures accordingly.
The third is the important property of the Ajax.BeginForm as it gives us the different options in order to track and show the response, even manipulate the response as well.

  • UpdateTargetId:- This property is used to track the ‘id’ where the ajax response will be displayed.
  • OnSuccess, OnFailure, OnComplete, OnBegin:- The second part of the option is the track functions. We can use the the functions to track the event and update the UI accordingly. The methods are self explanatory so, I not being stupid to explain the same. 😛
  • HttpMethod:- This again is self explanatory, it allows the POST GET to be specified explicitly.
  • AllowCache:- This method in ajax allows to either cache the response or not. By default it caches the identical request’s response. So to avoid any kind of caching, we can use the Attribute [OutputCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0, VaryByParam = “*”)]

These were few of the important properties discussed, which are frequently used.
Now another issue we face is when we have a session ended for any user, but the user is still on the web page, then we find that the login page loads in the partial part of the page only, not the whole page is reloaded to the Login page, which is really weird from any user point of view. This can easily be done and accomplished by changing the UpdateTargetId to the body or supplying any id to the body tag.
But sometimes we have to handle the unauthorized access from the user during any ajax calls. So, incase (everytime now in MVC projects Authorize attribute and its virtual methods are overridden), inside the Custom Authorize attribute, we modify/override the HandleUnauthorizedRequest and handle the Ajax calls that are unauthorized. The code goes below:

protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
            if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                filterContext.Result = new JsonResult
                    JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet,
                    Data = new { redirectTo = FormsAuthentication.LoginUrl }

filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest() is doing the trick here, tracking whether the request coming from the client is Ajax request or the normal request.
redirectTo = FormsAuthentication.LoginUrl This takes the default login URL from the app settings in Web.config file. Thus now the result of the context will be present in the current context and can be tracked by the Onsuccess method. The code can be seen below:

function PostSuccess(result) {
    if (result.redirectTo) {
        window.location.href = result.redirectTo;

This is a simple part, we can also do the same tracking the reference of the result context and manipulate.


I tried to cover a basic stuff in the MVC application, which we use frequently in our application, sometimes scratch our head to get a proper understanding and solution to a simple problem. I hope this has helped some way. Any suggestions or more interesting facts are more than welcome.
Keep learning and keep sharing.

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